Marlon Mayers

Marlon Mayers discovered his passion for dance at the age of 14 where he began his dance training when accepted into Frank Sinatra School of the Arts. While attending Frank Sinatra, he also attended Ballet Hispanico, The Abrons Arts Center and The Martha Graham school of Contemporary Dance.
Who I Am

Graduating from Frank Sinatra School of the Arts in 2009, Marlon attended Marymount Manhattan College as a B.F.A dance major.

Marlon has landed wonderful opportunities that allowed him to work with a wide range of choreographers from  different styles of dance such as Jessica Lang, Laurie-Ann Gibson, Daniel Catanach, and Larry Keigwin,  just to name a few. Since then he has been a Principal Dancer with the  Abrons Arts Center Dance Ensemble, a Corp de Ballet dancer with Urban Ballet Theater and a freelancer with small modern dance companies based in New York City.

Although Marlon loves performing he has a passion for teaching. Marlon has had the opportunity to choreograph on the graduating class at Frank Sinatra as well as teach and be a mentor for the underclassmen. He has also presented his own choreography with the American Ballet Theater’s “Make a Ballet” and has submitted and showcased his works to numerous arts festivals. When not rehearsing and staging his own works, Marlon spends his time in a studio teaching and sharing great life lessons to students throughout the greater New York area.